Creating a batch template in Analyst® software

Date: 03/15/2024
Categories: Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


When submitting a batch in Analyst® software, it's convenient to use a template that be opened and modified to submit future batches without having to reenter sample, internal standard or known concentration information.

To do create a batch template, open Analyst software, activate a hardware profile, and then select Build Acquisition Batch in the vertical Navigation Bar. The batch screen will appear (as shown below). Select Add Set, and then enter in a set name, select an acquisition method from the drop-down menu by Method Editor, and add a Quick Quant method using the drop-down menu under Quantitation. Then click Add Samples; a new Add Sample window appears where the number of new samples can be added under the New samples field. For this example, 10 new samples were added. Select OK to close the window.

In the Sample tab of the batch screen, fill in the following columns: Sample Name, Rack Code, Rack Position, Plate Code, Plate Position, Vial Position, and Data File

Then select the Quantitation tab to view the analyte names (populated from the acquisition method) and Quant Type column. Users must select the sample type (Standard, Unknown, QC, Blank, Double Blank, Solvent) for each sample listed. To add the known concentration information for each analyte, it is easier to copy the information in from a spreadsheet (such as Excel). To do this, the rows and columns of the Quantitation tab must be exported first to a spreadsheet.


To export the batch as a txt file, click File, Export, and then add a name to the Save screen, selecting .txt as the file type.



The exported file can be opened in Excel for further editing. The headers peaknam# and ~peakcon# correspond to the analyte name and the concentration. Users can copy or type in the concentrations for each sample and analyte. Save the Excel file as a .txt file.


Right click on the table under the Quantitation tab in the batch and select Import from File. Select the .txt file that was just updated with concentration information and import it into the batch. 

Select Save As in the File menu and save the batch as a .dab file after providing it with a name. This batch can be opened for subsequent batches and updated with new sample information and then re-saved using Save As under a new name.