How to Interface MultiQuant™ Software with a LIMS System via a LIMS Report Template

Date: 10/31/2021
Categories: Clinical , Mass Spectrometers

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Oftentimes MultiQuant™ software results table data needs to be exported and then interfaced with a LIMS system. This article explains how to indirectly transfer data from results tables created in MultiQuant software to a LIMS system via a report template. The report template creates an output file in CSV format that can then be interfaced with a LIMS system. 

To create a report in MultiQuant™ software using the LIMS template (attached), follow these steps:

  • Save the LIMS template to C:\ProgramData\AB SCIEX\MultiQuant\Reporter.
  • Ensure that the correct version of Microsoft Office is installed for the version of MultiQuant software used. (Review the installation guide for the software to confirm this.)
  • Generate the CSV file by selecting the LIMS template in the Create Report dialog in MultiQuant software (see image below). Select CSV as the output format.
  • Save the CSV report output to a designated LIMS folder, where the LIMS system can access the exported results table information. Select OK and a LIMS-compatible report will be generated.
  • If the LIMS report needs to be customized, please contact tech support.
LIMS template create report