Creating a Processing Method in ChemoView™ Software

Date: 09/25/2019
Categories: ChemoView software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


To create a new processing method in ChemoView™ software, select the Add New Processing Method button. In ChemoView software, processing methods are combinations of tests that are used to process data. Once Add New Processing Method is selected, a screen for the Add Processing Method wizard appears. Follow the instructions below to build the method:
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(1) Define the processing method by selecting Create blank processing method.
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(2) Enter the processing method details. Enter the name of the processing method and MS/MS data information.
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(3) Specify the specific compositions for the processing method. In this example, whole blood is available for selection.
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(4) Select the Tests to be included in this processing method.
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(6) Select the report template used to build the final report.
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(7) Click Finish when completed. The new processing is now shown in the list of available processing methods.
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