How to reduce matrix effect and increase analyte signal in extracted samples?

Date: 09/25/2023

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


If the matrix effect is substantial and causing a significant amount of reduction in signal, it would be beneficial to modify the analytical method to reduce such a loss.
There are two approaches to achieve reduction of matrix effect:

  1. Modify the sample extraction: More aggressive sample clean up during extraction could help reduce the amount of matrix in final extract. For example, adding a SPE step or hexane wash to remove high fat content in food samples. The most basic modification would be dilution of sample.
  1. Improve LC separation: For example, in reverse phase LC, If the slope for ramping the organic solvent around the retention time of an analyte is reduced, this means less chemicals from the matrix would coelute at that retention time and matrix effect would reduce.

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