ROUND Function Removed from SCIEX OS Software after Version 2.1

Date: 07/07/2023
Categories: SCIEX OS software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

In SCIEX OS Software, the ROUND function was available in Analytics for use in calculated columns through version 2.1. This was useful, for instance, in calculating the Kendrick mass defect. In later versions of SCIEX OS software, calculations with the ROUND function will break, causing the processing method to not work properly.


To restore the ROUND functionality in SCIEX OS software after version 2.1, use the equation below where KM is the Kendrick mass.


The number 10 controls the decimal places (so 100 would be 2 decimals, 1000 would be three). The 0.5 is used to round up the resulting number as expected.