What Is the Syntax Used in Calculated Columns of SCIEX OS Software?

Date: 08/04/2023
Categories: SCIEX OS

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The calculated columns section within the processing methods of SCIEX OS software is a useful way to create custom columns in the results table or a custom formula for a flagging rule. There are certain basic mathematical functions that can be used for constructing equations (such as OR or AND), and these can only be added to the calculation in a specific format. The operators and their definitions are listed below:

Operator: <
Description: Returns a true result if the preceding value is less than the following value, and a false result if it is not.

Operator: <=
Description: Returns a true result if the preceding value is less than or equal to the following value, and a false result if it is not.

Operator: >
Description: Returns a true result if the preceding value is greater than the following value, and a false result if it is not.

Operator: >=
Description: Returns a true result if the preceding value is greater than or equal to the following value, and a false result if it is not.

Operator: !=
Description: Returns a true result if the preceding value is not equal to the following value, and a false result if it is equal.

Operator: &&
Description: Returns a true result if both the preceding and the following expressions are true, and a false result if one or both expressions are false. Represents the Boolean "and" operator. Allows for combining expressions in logical tests.

Operator: ||
Description: Returns a true result if either the preceding or the following expressions are true, and a false result if both expressions are false. Represents the Boolean "or" operator. Allows for combining expressions in logical tests.

Operator: true
Description: (For columns in the results table that contain check boxes) Identifies columns for which the check box is selected.

Operator: false
Description: (For columns in the results table that contain check boxes) Identifies columns for which the check box is cleared.

It is important to know that for IF statements, a semi colon ( ; ) is used to separate the condition, value if true, and value if false portions of the IF statement along with a single apostrophe ( ' ) used around text values.
For the AND and OR functions (&& and ||), these are not placed before a string of expressions but rather in-between each expression.
Additionally, for IF functions, treat resulting text value as needs to be set to original text.

An example of this is shown below.
Example: IF([Sample Type] = 'Standard'&&[Used] = true&&[Reportable] = true; 'Qualified STD reported' ; ' ')

When it comes to flagging rules which are traffic lights (RED circle, Orange triangle, GREEN check-mark, or GREY square), these colors are used as text in IF statements. An example is given below where the output is FAIL if the ion ratio confidence is a RED circle, and PASS if it is not.
Example: IF([Ion Ratio Confidence]='Red' ; 'FAIL' ; 'PASS')