Where is the folder location for LibraryView 1.6 software license file?

Date: 09/21/2023

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The correct folder location for the LibraryView software License File is:

C:\Program Files\SCIEX\LibraryView\LibraryViewFramework\Server

Note: This is for Node-Locked (Local) License and for Server-Based License:

For a server-based license, contact the IT department to do the following:

1. Setup a license server. Note: To set up a license server, ask the IT department to download the LicenseServer-Setup.zip file by clicking the link License Server Setup Software in the Additional Downloads > License Server Setup section at the following site: sciex.com/ software-support/software-downloads. For the license server setup procedure, refer to the document: License Server Setup Guide, included in the downloaded package.

2. Create a license file for the client computers. For example, create a license named LibraryViewClient.lic.

3. Distribute the license file to each client computer on which the LibraryView software is installed.

See Software Installation Guide for more details.