Why Can't Uniprot Annotations Be Retrieved Using ProteinPilot™ Software 5.0.2?

Date: 07/07/2023
Categories: Academia Omics , ProteinPilot Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The link to the UniProt website is crucial for the ProteinPilot™ software to receive Uniprot annotations. However, UniProt has made further changes on their website that prevents the ProteinPilot 5.0.x software from retrieving Uniprot annotations. The issue was initially resolved with the release of two software patches for ProteinPilot software 5.0.2 software, but further changes to the UniProt site have disrupted the transfer of the Uniprot annotations again.

The SCIEX software development team is working on another patch for ProteinPilot software 5.0.2 to resolve this issue (Rev. 3).