Characterizing the performance and robustness of the ExionLC 2.0 system
Simon Roberts,1 Adam Latawiec,2 Adrian M. Taylor2
Pesticide screening typically requires large numbers of compounds to be screened in a single method and these methods are routinely used to in food testing labs. In order to successfully detect and quantify large numbers of pesticides, time-scheduled methods with fast run times are required. Having quality separations with highly reproducible retention times is critical for success, to minimize time spent adjusting methods and reduce data loss. Here the reproducibility of the ExionLC 2.0 system for the LC-MS analysis of a large panel of 200 pesticides is assessed.
The wide use of pesticides in agriculture to minimize crop loss by protecting against pests and the growth of unwanted plants has led to strong regulations that minimize hazards to human and animal health. Approved pesticides have maximum residue limits in food, requiring simultaneous identification and quantification of large panels of pesticide residues. LC-MS/MS with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) provides high sensitivity and selectivity but, when performing a method with hundreds of compounds, data quality is extremely important and helps to ensure that every compound is effectively quantified. The Scheduled MRM Pro algorithm intelligently monitors the MRM transitions for a compound only during its elution time. This decreases the number of concurrent MRMs monitored at any point in time, allowing both the cycle time and dwell time to remain optimal. First, the elution times for each compound are determined, then a final optimized method is built using the Scheduled MRM Pro algorithm.
LC-MS/MS solutions must be robust and sensitive to meet the needs of food testing labs. When using the Scheduled MRM algorithm, it is critical to have stable retention times for the acquisition strategy to work effectively. An important determinant of success in achieving selectivity, reproducibility and robustness is having a high-quality up-front sample separation that provides stable retention.
In this work, the flow rate precision and retention time reproducibility of the SCIEX ExionLC 2.0 system were investigated. The Scheduled MRM algorithm was used to acquire 428 MRM transitions, to accurately quantify pesticides and confirm their identity based on the characteristic ratio of quantifier and qualifier transitions and a retention time match to reference standards. Owing to the inclusion of several pesticides in the panel that ionize preferentially in negative mode, a polarity switching method was also implemented.
Figure 1. LC flow and gradient stability. Overlaid total ion chromatograms (TICs) from 25 repeat injections of 10 µL of the same 100 ppb pesticide standard mixture.