Dorothée Elbert1, Anna Vetter1, Denise Mehl2, Kevin Privat2, Michael Zellmann1, Heather Hughes3, Jack Steed3 and Cathy Lane3
1SCIEX, Germany; 2SCIEX, France; 3SCIEX, UK
Published date: April 2, 2024
This technical note describes the use of pre-built custom calculation and flagging packages to simplify and streamline SCIEX OS software data processing. These calculation packages are uploaded directly into SCIEX OS software 2.2 and higher versions (depending on the available features), and they contain the custom calculations and flagging rules needed to process data for commonly used applications and guidelines.1
Several European guidelines for different industries—such as guidelines from the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (SANTE) and the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH)—provide recommendations for the validation and evaluation of acquired data to ensure quality and consistency. These recommendations often require additional calculations to meet the needs of the validation plan.2–5
SCIEX OS software is a powerful tool for LC-MS/MS data acquisition and processing. The Analytics module within SCIEX OS software allows the customization of quantitative results via the addition of bespoke calculations and columns to a results table, which eliminates the need for external software and reduces transcription errors and compliance risks.
Example 1: Calculating carry-over according to ICH M10 2022 guidelines (section 3.2.6)
Figures 1–5 show how custom calculations are implemented seamlessly into SCIEX OS software. This example highlights calculations for carry-over according to the ICH M10 2022 guidelines (section 3.2.6): “Carry-over in the blank samples following the highest calibration standard should not be greater than 20% of the analyte response at the LLOQ and 5% of the response for the IS.”
Figure 1. Filtered results table without calculated columns and flagging applied. The image above shows a results table in SCIEX OS software without custom calculations applied.
Figure 2. How to import custom calculation packages into a processing method in SCIEX OS software. To import a package into SCIEX OS software, create a processing method, open the calculated columns tab and click on the import button (highlighted in red). This will open the file explorer window, where the package can be chosen and imported.
Figure 3. The processing method in SCIEX OS software showing the imported custom calculations according to the ICH M10 2022 guidelines (section 3.2.6).
Figure 4. The applied flagging rules for carry-over calculations according to the ICH M10 2022 guidelines (section 3.2.6). Custom flagging rules can be imported in the same way as custom calculations and appear similarly in the processing method within the flagging rules tab. Data are then processed using both the imported custom calculations and flagging rules.
Figure 5. Example results table containing custom calculations for carry-over according to the ICH M10 2022 guidelines (section 3.2.6). The double blank, which was acquired directly after the highest standard sample, shows carry-over greater than the acceptable limit and therefore is highlighted both with an outlier reason and an easily identifiable red circle to indicate that the sample needs further investigation.
Example 2: Calculating acceptance criteria for an analytical run according to the ICH M10 2022 guidelines (section 3.3.2)
Figures 6 and 7 show an excerpt from a results table before and after applying the custom calculations for acceptance criteria for an analytical run according to the ICH M10 2022 guidelines (section 3.3.2): “The back-calculated concentrations of the calibration standards should be within ±15% of the nominal value, except for the LLOQ for which it should be within ±20%. At least 75% of the calibration standard concentrations, which should include a minimum of six concentration levels, should fulfil these criteria.”
Figure 6. Filtered results table without calculated columns and flagging applied.
Figure 7. Example results table containing a version of the custom calculations of acceptance criteria for an analytical run according to the ICH M10 2022 guidelines (section 3.3.2). For both components, at least one of the acceptance criteria is not met. This is made visible in the Outlier Reasons columns and in colored cells that show the failing values.
To obtain custom calculation packages, or to explore further options for custom calculations, please open a case with SCIEX Now via or contact Please note that while the custom calculation packages provide a plug-andplay approach, customers must evaluate and adjust the calculations to meet their specific needs. More details are available in SCIEX Now knowledgebase articles.7