For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Designed to make QuEChERS sample preparation for food products even easier and less expensive, roQ™ QuEChERS extraction and dispersive kits provide a streamlined approach for analytical chemists to examine pesticide residues in food by LC/MS/MS. This broadly-applicable and easy sample preparation technique is included in designated methods published by AOAC and the EU.
How does it work?
QuEChERS is a descriptive acronym that stands for quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe. The QuEChERS technique addresses the shortcomings of traditional sample preparation methods, such as long extraction procedures and hazardous solvents use, and radically simplifies multi-residue pesticide
analysis in food samples.
The QuEChERS technique consists of two steps, extraction and dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE).
Step 1: Extraction
First, pesticides and analytes of interest must be extracted from the food sample. This process relies on the
combination of organic solvent and various salts to partition the analytes from food samples into an organic
layer (typically acetonitrile).
Step 2: Dispersive sold phase extraction (dSPE)
An aliquot of the extracted organic layer further purified by dispersive SPE. Unwanted interferences such as lipids and pigments are removed in this step.