Metabolic flux analysis gives direction to your research

See the whole picture dynamically with metabolic flux analysis

The metabolome is a dynamic network that regulates many cellular processes. While metabolomic analysis can provide a snapshot of the metabolome at any given time, metabolic flux analysis holds the key to observing the true dynamics of a system.

Stable isotope labeling for LC-MS analysis is one of the primary approaches to studying metabolic flux. Using this approach, it is possible to model the kinetics and dynamics of particular pathways according to which species incorporate the heavy label through biosynthesis. This is a challenging approach as the presence of the labeled species increases the complexity of the dataset, and relies on comprehensive and complete data to localize the label and subsequently trace its origin.

SCIEX solutions for metabolic flux analysis employ high-performance quantitative techniques to allow the targeting of predicted flux pathways, and global flux analysis without compromising on data completeness. This ensures sufficient information to identify and localize labeled metabolites while simultaneously acquiring quantitative data that can be used in kinetic models.

Follow metabolic flux and gain more insight

Retain the complexity required for flux studies while ensuring results can be interpreted. Whether you’re studying a given pathway or looking at general trends in metabolic flux, ensure that you can generate data that will take you there.

Taking on the complexity of labeled approaches

Capture specific and unambiguous data from stable isotope labeling approaches, allowing specific reactions to be quantified with confidence.

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Evaluating high resolution approaches to flux studies

Discover and implement powerful and accessible high resolution approaches to studying metabolic flux.

Eliminate missing data in flux studies with SWATH DIA

Gain the most comprehensive understanding of metabolic flux using SWATH DIA.

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The quantitative power to deliver flux data

Pathway-driven and global flux studies require the ability to quantify in a multiplexed fashion to a high degree of precision, as ultimately the results that can be generated from flux calculations can only be as good as the data you put in.

Solutions delivering the detail needed for comprehensive flux studies

SCIEX solutions for flux studies employ the most sophisticated quantitative approaches including selective and sensitive SRM to ensure the maximal coverage of pathways of interest and SWATH DIA which is capable of delivering quantitative data for all observable species that can be retrospectively curated for comprehensive modeling of reactions.

X500R system

Small footprint, high performance. Compact QTOF system capable of delivering advanced metabolomics data.

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QTRAP 6500+ system

Highly sensitive and robust hybrid triple quadrupole- linear ion trap system.

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SelexION device

An extra dimension of selectivity using differential mobility spectrometry.

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