Tyler Heibeck, PhD

Senior Lab Director
Sutro Biopharma


Tyler Heibeck is an analytical biochemist with expertise in using analytical and other physical methods to characterize biomolecules. At Sutro Biopharma, he is dedicated to developing innovative therapeutics for degenerative diseases and cancers.

Seeking solutions to the current challenges and limitations in the treatment of degenerative diseases and cancers, Tyler Heibeck takes advantage of the latest advances in mass spectrometry to explore unique ways to characterize proteins and peptides. The possibility of improving the standard of care for patients drives him to rewrite the rules and pursue insightful analytical approaches.  

Tyler considers himself an analytical biochemist who is primarily an experimentalist or empiricist. He is deeply committed to finding therapeutics that can be successfully licensed and bring relief and improved quality of life to patients with few other options.

Tyler holds degrees in Chemistry from Juniata College (BS) and Boston University (PhD). He did postdoctoral work at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory before continuing his career in biopharmaceutical research and development at Sutro.

  • “Rules exist for a reason, but it’s not always a good reason. It could just be because you don’t have another answer.”

    Tyler Heibeck PhD
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