Sensitive signature peptide quantification in a complex matrix using accurate mass spectrometry

Featuring the ZenoTOF 7600 system and SCIEX OS software

Xin Zhang, Eshani Nandita, Lei Xiong, Zoe Zhang and Elliott Jones


This technical note describes the achievement of low amol/µL level of quantification for signature peptides in rat plasma, with improvements in MS/MS sampling efficiency on an accurate mass spectrometer. Additionally, with the availability of TOF MS/MS data, further enhancement in sensitivity was achieved by the summation of several highly abundant fragment ions for quantification. As a result, a 2-fold improvement in LLOQ and an overall linear dynamic range (LDR) of greater than 4.3 orders of magnitude (Table 1) was achieved.

Table 1. A summary of the quantitative performance of the signature peptide assay on the ZenoTOF 7600 system.


Traditional workflows for quantitative bioanalysis of peptides and proteins, such as immunological assays, have been displaced by LC-MS/MS analysis using triple quadrupole mass spectrometers. While the triple quadrupole platform has been the gold standard for most bioanalytical workflows, offering great sensitivity and quantitative performance, accurate mass spectrometry has been increasingly suggested for quantitative bioanalysis.1,2 However, accurate mass spectrometry platforms, such as traditional time-of-flight (TOF) systems, often lack sensitivity due to limited duty cycle in between TOF pulses.

With the introduction of the ZenoTOF 7600 system, the improvement in MS/MS sampling efficiency offers a robust and sensitive platform to support routine peptide and protein quantification. Here, the Zeno trap controls the ion beam from the collision cell which facilitates greater ion transmission to the TOF accelerator, improving the duty cycle to ≥90% (classical TOF is below 30%). As a result, this enhances the overall MS/MS sampling efficiency enabling the ZenoTOF 7600 system to be highly advantageous for quantitative bioanalysis workflows that can benefit from the accessibility of the full product ion profile and the improvement in sensitivity using the Zeno trap.3,4

In this technical note, 3 peptides were selected as model analytes to evaluate the quantitative performance of signature peptides on the ZenoTOF 7600 system. Ultra-low LLOQs, ranging from 0.025 fmol/µL to 0.05 fmol/µL were achieved with an LDR greater than 4.3 orders of magnitude. The measured upper limit of quantification (ULOQ) ranged from 500 fmol/µL to 2000 fmol/µL. Overall, the assay demonstrated outstanding accuracy, precision and linearity, highlighting the robustness and performance of the developed method for the quantification of signature peptides.

Key features of the signature peptide quantification workflow using the ZenoTOF 7600 system and SCIEX OS software

  • Achieve low-amol/µL level quantification of signature peptides in complex matrices using the Zeno MRMHR workflow
  • Reach enhanced sensitivity by summation of multiple highly abundant fragment ions with the availability of TOF MS/MS data and improvements in MS/MS sampling efficiency using the Zeno trap
  • Confirm GLP-level accuracy and precision for quantitative workflows with greater than 4.3 orders of magnitude in LDR using the ZenoTOF 7600 system
  • Easily acquire, process and manage data on a single platform using the SCIEX OS software.