When it comes to toxicology screening applications, your forensic laboratory needs robust and flexible solutions to tackle your most challenging workflows. Whether you are performing broad screening to identify substances present in a biological sample or targeting a specific panel of drugs and metabolites for quantitative analysis, SCIEX offers fast, sensitive and streamlined solutions to address your screen-to-confirmation workflows and streamline your laboratory caseloads. Our accurate mass LC-MS/MS instrument portfolio provides best-in-class solutions that meet your toxicology laboratory requirements for screening, quantitation, identification, and confirmation.
Our systems can perform sensitive and fast MS and MS/MS scanning experiments to screen for every detectable component in the sample with high levels of selectivity and sensitivity. The untargeted nature of the data also provides the ability to perform retrospective data analysis should new questions or compounds arise in the future. Targeted experiments are also amenable to our accurate mass LC-MS/MS platforms for selective and sensitive quantitation of known compounds. The combination of our accurate mass systems and SCIEX OS software provide a reliable, comprehensive, and streamlined solution to address your most challenging forensic toxicology workflows.
Our screen-to-confirmation workflows are designed to bring the power and versatility of accurate mass to address caseloads associated with controlled substance testing in criminal or postmortem investigations while optimizing instrument uptime and improving your overall lab efficiency.Â
A high-resolution targeted approach using the MRMHR workflow was developed for the sensitive quantitation of low-concentration species in urine using the X500R QTOF system. The selective high-resolution MS/MS information was combined with library searching and ion ratio to identify the drugs and metabolites in the urine samples. The MRMHR workflow allows both the quantitation and confirmation of many analytes in biological samples in a single injection.
The emergence of novel psychoactive substances (NPS) has required the NSC-ADID to update its list of target analytes for impaired driving and motor vehicle fatality forensic testing. As a result, a comprehensive drug screening workflow for the analysis of forensic DUID blood samples was successfully developed based on the new NSC-ADID recommendations. Using substantially less blood sample, it is demonstrated that this HRMS assay can efficiently detect up to 60 key forensic compounds at the required level in a single assay.
A rapid and comprehensive drug screening workflow for the analysis of workplace testing urine samples is described. The targeted acquisition of accurate mass spectra using the developed LC-MS/MS drug screening method enabled the identification and quantitation of multiple drugs present in authentic forensic workplace testing urine samples. *Not for U.S. use.
A comprehensive drug screening approach for detecting 65 drugs and drug metabolites in blood and urine samples was successfully developed. As some drugs are rapidly metabolized in the body, the ability to swiftly detect them and their metabolites in the blood and urine is paramount to meet drug testing needs. The combination of a targeted detection workflow with a data independent acquisition approach enabled sensitive detection and accurate identification of drugs and drug metabolites from both urine and blood samples.
This technical note describes a non-target acquisition method for the simultaneous screening and quantitation of the emerging drug xylazine in authentic human whole blood sample. This screening method revealed detectable levels of xylazine in 4 of 7 authentic whole blood samples suspected to contain fentanyl and/or other opioids and also revealed the presence of additional drugs in the blood samples
The identification of novel psychoactive substances (NPS), synthetic drugs and prescription drugs is critical for forensic toxicologists conducting case examinations. A fast and comprehensive drug screening workflow was developed for the identification of drugs present in authentic postmortem case samples. The workflow was streamlined using a simplified sample preparation approach in combination with SWATH DIA on the X500R QTOF system.
An ultra-fast screening/quantitation method was developed using the SCIEX X500R QTOF system and SCIEX OS software. Two data acquisition methods for screening were tested and compared, the data dependent IDA method and the data independent SWATH DIA method. Both acquisition strategies have been shown to be very robust for screening, even when coupled with the very fast chromatography.
The ZenoTOF 7600 system provides unique features enhancing MS/MS capabilities, combining the power of the Zeno trap for improved MS/MS sensitivity and EAD as an alternative fragmentation technology providing unique fragments for drug and metabolite characterization.
The X500R QTOF system is the most versatile and easy-to-use accurate mass instrument for routine drug screening. The system can be for high-specificity, targeted quantitation, and non-targeted screening from single sample sets in a high-throughput laboratory environment.
SCIEX OS software is the all-in-one software solution for forensic toxicology screening that lets you acquire, process, analyze data and even generate reports in the same software environment. It enables streamlined data processing of challenging forensic data sets with integrated tools to increase confidence in your results.
Confirm identification of commonly tested drugs and metabolites using the forensics high-resolution MS/MS spectral library. With over 1740 forensic drugs and metabolites commonly tested in forensic samples, this high-resolution library enables fast processing of targeted and non-targeted screening data for accurate compound identification from complex biological samples.
Detecting trace levels of seized drugs, chemical warfare agents, explosives or illicit materials requires high throughput and sensitive instrumentation. SCIEX has an extensive portfolio of LC-MS/MS instrumentation that provides the evidence required by the forensic and security communities.
The diversity of cannabis and hemp products makes it hard to perform potency testing accurately. SCIEX provides sensitive, accurate and precise instrumentation capable of differentiating legalized hemp products from controlled cannabis. Forensic labs, where such use is permitted under local state/country law, can now test with the highest confidence.
Unveil the truth hidden in doping samples by leveraging SCIEX solutions to confidently detect, identify and quantify trace levels of prohibited substances in biological specimens. Our robust suite of instruments provides the sensitivity, specificity and selectivity required to deliver confident results and keep competition fair.