Episode 5 : Revolution

Generation Quant

Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary is real innovation. It is a culmination of all the tried and tested approaches—all the failures and all the successes—that lead to something truly incredible.

05 / 31 / 2019 | Author: SCIEX

“It is one of the most important things in the world, to know how much of a variety of substances are around—it affects our entire lives,” says Jim Hager, Principal Scientist at SCIEX. After 30 years of innovation, SCIEX is taking quantitative mass spectrometry to the next level, enabling previously unseen capabilities in speed, scale, reproducibility and access to diverse types of samples. Welcome to the next generation of quantitative analysis.

  • “It's always easy to detect something, but what does it mean at the end of the day? We always need to turn it back into a quantitative answer.”

    Yves LeBlanc

Jim Hager, PhD

Principal Research Scientist

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Stephen Tate, PhD

Manager, Software and Applications Research

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Yves Le Blanc, PhD

Senior Research Scientist

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