Untargeted lipidomics

New insights into biological processes: untargeted lipidomics tools to examine the full complexity of the lipidome

When an all-inclusive view is desired for understanding lipid changes across the broader lipidome, an untargeted lipidomics approach is the best strategy. With untargeted lipidomics, the challenge is to accurately and reproducibly identify and quantify as many lipids as possible for the comparison of amounts across different samples and controls. While direct infusion or liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has become the foundation for untargeted lipidomics experiments, there are powerful tools that can better reveal differentially regulated lipids and the underlying biological complexity of the lipidome.

SCIEX solutions for untargeted lipidomics have the power to fully characterize subtle differences between lipid species and screen more compounds with better clarity. The unique electron activated dissociation (EAD) fragmentation technology available on the ZenoTOF 7600 system enables the complete characterization of a lipid species within a single MS/MS experiment. The Infusion MS/MSALL workflow for shotgun lipidomics on the TripleTOF 6600+ system provides comprehensive sample analysis in a single injection, delivering accurate mass lipid profiling of all precursor ions at high speeds without compromising resolution or sensitivity. The SelexION device, which performs differential mobility spectrometry, provides another dimension of separation that enables isomeric, isobaric and entire lipid classes to be resolved from one another. And for data processing, LipidView software, with its database of over 25,000 lipid species, enables molecular identification and quantification across the vast complexity of the lipidome, reporting on various lipid molecular species, lipid classes, fatty acids and long-chain bases. Explore the many solutions from SCIEX for untargeted lipidomics and add another dimension to your understanding of lipid biology.

Solving untargeted lipidomics challenges

Full characterization in a single experiment

Characterization of many lipid species, such as phospholipids and triglycerides, has historically required a labor-intensive series of steps using multiple methodologies to definitively describe every detail of the molecular structure. Now, the new electron activated dissociation (EAD) fragmentation technology available on the ZenoTOF 7600 system uses tunable electron energy to fragment lipid species into components that allow complete characterization, revealing even difficult-to-detect isomeric information. Within a single experiment, in-depth details such as acyl chain attachment points position (regioisomerism) and cis-trans configurations of double bonds are revealed, along with lipid class, head group, lengths of different fatty acids and modifications. 

Comprehensive lipidomic profiling

One of the key factors for generating hypotheses from untargeted lipidomics experiments is collecting data as broadly and deeply across the lipidome as possible. This helps ensure that even more rare and low-level lipid species are captured. However, the stochastic nature of traditional approaches that use data dependent analysis makes it impossible to reproducibly sample the same set of ions from run to run, unless targeted inclusion lists are incorporated or multiple runs are performed. Data independent acquisition (DIA) approaches on QTOF systems (such as SWATH acquisition and the Infusion MS/MSALL workflow) acquire data on every precursor in an untargeted fashion within a single run, which helps ensure that nothing is missed. The highly reproducible and comprehensive map of lipid species is quantitative, making sample-to-sample comparisons straightforward and enabling the discovery of even low-level differentially regulated lipids.

Discover untargeted lipidomics solutions from SCIEX

Accurate mass spectrometry with the ZenoTOF 7600 system

Get qualitative flexibility combined with quantitative power. The ZenoTOF 7600 system represents a crucial step change in MS/MS technology and unlocks new, precise perspectives on the lipidome.

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Data independent acquisition (DIA) workflows

A limited dynamic range and missing MS/MS information can limit your coverage and confidence when using MS1 approaches. Discover how SWATH acquisition allows you to see more.

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Orthogonal lipid separation with the SelexION device

With added selectivity through lipid class separation, the SelexION device increases confidence in identification and enables better quantification.

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