Select lead candidates with confidence and ensure reproducible product quality. Discover fast and reliable protein analysis solutions that simplify identification and characterization of complex molecules at the intact level.
Select lead candidates with confidence and ensure reproducible product quality. Discover fast and reliable protein analysis solutions that simplify identification and characterization of complex molecules at the intact level.
Introducing the Intabio ZT system coupled with the ZenoTOF 7600 system
Accurate PTM identification at the intact protein level
Reclaim your time for innovation with solutions for intact protein analysis that inform decision-making and reduce risk throughout the development pipeline.
One of the challenges with intact protein analysis is the lack of a high-resolution separation approaches that couple to mass spectrometry. As a result, mass spectrometry adoption tends to occur more in the later stages of early development, after candidates have been narrowed down by other methodologies. This approach provides less qualitative information, however.
When bringing new modalities to market, including new and complex next-generation therapies, there is a need to gain critical information and greater insight during early development in order to reduce risk downstream.
Solutions for comprehensive intact biotherapeutic analysis enable confident selection of lead candidates during early-stage development and continued monitoring of product quality attributes through to commercialization.
Acquire multiple pieces of critical data from your intact protein analysis workflow.
Leverage the high-resolution separation capabilities of imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) and gain greater perspective by collecting heterogeneity information on multiple samples.
The combination of icIEF separation, with UV quantitation and mass spec identification provides high-resolution separation and comprehensive characterization of intact monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and their charge variants in a single assay, on a single platform. Obtain this critical information earlier in the development process and inform better decision making.
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Bring the precision of MS identification to early development
Highly confident identification of CQAs with an integrated icIEF-UV/MS solution that identifies low abundant PTMs at the intact protein level.
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Reproducible separation and identification of proteoforms
Gain advantages in data quality and time with an integrated system that offers high-resolution and high-throughput separation of intact mAbs and their charge variants.
Suited for:
Eliminate the guess work and monitor biologics at the intact-protein level, gaining insights into charge variant-associated quality attributes.
Be empowered with highly accurate and informative workflows for fully characterizing protein therapeutics and viral vector proteins.
Confirm drug identity, monitor product quality and perform comparative studies with a high-throughtput LC-MS workflow.
Suited for:
Reproducibility, reliability and carryover performance to match your quantitative workflows. Dependability you can count on, from injection to injection and batch after batch.
A high-resolution mass spectrometry solution that combines powerful MS/MS sensitivity, fragmentation technology and a step-change in data independent acquisition.
Be empowered with highly accurate and informative workflows for fully characterizing protein therapeutics and viral vector proteins.
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Bring the precision of mass spec ID to early development
Highly confident identification of CQAs with an integrated icIEF-UV/MS solution that identifies low abundant PTMs at the intact protein level.
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Reproducible separation and identification of proteoforms
Gain advantages in data quality and time with an integrated system that offers high-resolution and high-throughput separation of intact mAbs and their charge variants.
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Separate, characterize, identify, across a wide pI range
A single platform icIEF-UV/MS workflow offers high sensitivity and selectivity to detect low-abundant proteoforms that could impact product quality.
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Confidently identify glycation events using icIEF-UV/MS
Comprehensive characterization and identification of the charge variants of deglycosylated NISTmAb in minutes.
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Gain the benefits of QTOF mass accuracy and lose data analysis bottlenecks
Enable high-throughput screening of intact proteins and close the data gap with intuitive software workflows.
Enable mass identification of charge variants and modifications on intact ADCs
Reduce charge heterogeneity analysis from weeks to minutes. Identify and monitor the charged modification on ADC payloads in near real-time.
Charge variant identification in minutes
Probe the cause of color change in protein therapeutics and learn how a cell line development group is utilizing the integrated icIEF-UV/MS workflow to monitor advanced glycation events.
Simplify charge variant characterization during process development
Discover how you can gain multiple pieces of critical information early in process development to assess the impact of cell culture conditions on mAb quality and production.
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Enhanced sensitivity to identify low abundant proteoforms
A 4x increase in sensitivity enables detection and confident identification of challenging proteoforms like deamidation
Pursue the end goal with confidence. Achieve the full picture and accelerate decisions with comprehensive characterization of biopharmaceutical charge variants.
Pursue simpler, faster and more accurate product quality profiles. Reclaim time for innovation and reduce overall analytical testing burden with software solutions for product quality attribute (PQA) monitoring.