“Impossible to describe so I just tell them I am a mass optometrist. Then they think they know what I do and stop asking questions.”
“The Generation Quant SCIEX Episodes 1-5.” Check out the Generation Quant Videos at:
“Breaking the rules that have anything to do with VOC.”
“So simple to operate mass specs will be preferred over dogs in airports. So far dogs are better.”
“Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (AEMS) technology, incorporating the Open Port Interface (OPI) and Acoustic Droplet Ejection (ADE). It runs so many samples so fast that pharma companies might only have to buy one.”
Tom Covey
Antonio Serna-Sanz, Ph.D.
Sean McCarthy, Ph.D.
Subhasish Purkayastha, Ph.D.
Bindhiya Somasundaram
Tanya Gamble
Melanie Juba
Pierre Negri