Fast track characterization of protein therapeutics across the drug development pipeline with icIEF-UV/MS technology.

Enable comprehensive characterization of intact proteins with icIEF-UV/MS

Conventionally, the process of identifying individual charge variant components and interpreting their structural differences takes weeks, and requires the use of multiple instruments with multiple manual steps.

When the Intabio ZT system is coupled with the ZenoTOF 7600 system, separation, quantitation and identification of charge variants can be achieved in minutes on a single integrated system.

Explore the Intabio ZT cartridge

Leverage key analytical functions with proprietary microfluidic chip-based integrated icIEF-UV/MS technology.

iclEF seperation and UV detection

Separation of charge variants with imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) and quantitation with imaged UV detection occurs within the separation channel

Peak mobilization

To enable electrospray ionization, electrolyte is introduced through the mobilizer channel near the ESI tip, to re-ionize the charge variants. The electric field is re-oriented to initiate the mobilization of the peaks toward the electrospray “ESI” tip. This novel chemical mobilization process ensures that peak resolution is maintained throughout MS detection.

Sample introduced to mass spec

Separated charge variants are introduced to the mass spectrometer by electrospray ionization for peak identification.

Microfluidic chip-based technology makes it possible

icIEF-UV/MS analysis with the Intabio ZT cartridge enables separation of charge variants by imaged capillary isoelectric focusing, UV quantitation and electrospray ionization (ESI) directly into a mass spectrometer for further mass analysis and peak identification, all with the use of MS-compatible reagents.

To enable electrospray ionization, electrolyte is introduced through the mobilizer channel near the ESI tip, to re-ionize the charge variants. The electric field is re-oriented to initiate the mobilization of the peaks toward the integrated electrospray tip. This chemical mobilization process ensures that peak resolution is maintained throughout MS detection.

Mass information on charge variants would change the game

Experience icIEF separation and UV detection coupled with mass spectrometry identification on the ZenoTOF 7600 system. One workflow, on a single platform, enables rapid monitoring of intact biotherapeutics and identification of charge variants throughout the drug development pipeline.

Associated applications

Charge heterogeneity analysis

Achieve the full picture and accelerate decisions with comprehensive characterization of biopharmaceutical charge variants.

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Intact proteins analysis

Confidently select lead candidates and ensure reproducible product quality. Fast and reliable protein analysis solutions that simplify identification and characterization of complex molecules at the intact level.

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