Sistema de LC-MS/MS QTRAP 4500

La soluciĆ³n de LC-MS/MS definitiva con un diseƱo mĆ”s inteligente

Se trata del nuevo e inteligente diseƱo de la plataforma QTRAP 4000, todo un caballo de batalla para la LC-MS/MS, que establece un nuevo punto de referencia para la cuantificaciĆ³n fiable y la bĆŗsqueda en bibliotecas.

El sistema es perfecto para laboratorios que requieren lo mejor en potencia, resistencia y fiabilidad para la realizaciĆ³n de anĆ”lisis de alto rendimiento de muchos compuestos en una gran cantidad de muestras a diario.

Sistema de LC-MS/MS QTRAP 4500
CaracterĆ­sticas principales

Rango de masa

Triple cuadrupolo: de 5 a 2000 Da.Ā Trampa lineal de iones: de 50 a 2000 Da

Opciones de ionizaciĆ³n flexibles

Entre las opciones se incluyen la ionizaciĆ³n por electropulverizaciĆ³n (ESI) y las sondas de ionizaciĆ³n por nebulizador tĆ©rmico.

Cambio de polaridad

50 ms en los modos MRM y Scheduled MRM

Tipo de detector

AcQuRate Pulse Counting CEM


Turbo V, detector de recuento de impulsos

Tipos de anƔlisis

Q1 MS, Q3 MS, Product Ion, Precursor Ion, Neutral Loss o Gain, MRM, EMS, EPI, ER, MS3, MRM3, TripleTrap Scanning

Fuentes de ionizaciĆ³n

Turbo V; TurboIonSpray; ionizaciĆ³n quĆ­mica a presiĆ³n atmosfĆ©rica (APCI); DuoSprayĀ®, Phytronix LDTD, Advion LESA Clarity, Digital PicoView, NanoSource

TecnologĆ­a de vanguardia y fiable

Lo mejor de ambos

Maximice el tiempo de actividad con un sistema capaz de manejar hasta las matrices mƔs complejas con facilidad. Incluye la legendaria tecnologƭa Turbo V, el diseƱo patentado de la guƭa de iones QJet y el mejor detector de recuento de impulsos.

Fuente Turbo V

Esta excelente fuente proporciona anĆ”lisis de alta sensibilidad en una amplia gama de caudales con sondas de ionizaciĆ³n quĆ­mica a presiĆ³n atmosfĆ©rica (APCI) y TurboIonSpray de cambio rĆ”pido.

GuĆ­a de iones QJet

El diseƱo patentado proporciona una excelente contenciĆ³n de iones y funciona a alta presiĆ³n, lo que proporciona un mejor enfoque por colisiĆ³n para mejorar la transmisiĆ³n de iones y lograr la mĆ”xima sensibilidad.

Detector de recuento de impulsos AcQuRate

La tecnologĆ­a del detector funciona en combinaciĆ³n con un algoritmo de correcciĆ³n de superposiciĆ³n de impulsos, lo que permite una detecciĆ³n de iones mĆ”s precisa en un amplio rango dinĆ”mico.


Filter by Type:

Aflatoxins in Milk

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (DE)

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (EN)

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (ZH)

Instrument Front-End Cleaning Procedure For Customers

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (KR)

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (IT)

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (ES)

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (FR)

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (PT)

SCIEX 4500 System User Guide (JA)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (PT)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (FR)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (ES)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (KR)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (ZH)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (EN)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (DE)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (IT)

SCIEX UPS PSW 6 kVA - NA Operator Guide (EN)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (JA)

SCIEX UPS PSW 6 kVA - NA Operator Guide (FR)


Nitrosamines Flyer (PT)

SCIEX vision Journal Issue 4

Its a Triple Quadrupole and so much more

Quantify NDMA using the SCIEX QTRAP 4500 LC-MS/MS System

Techniques and solutions for forensic drug screening: an interview with Timothy Fassette

Forensic Compendium

The growing problem of NPS

Challenges of screening and identifying NPS in the forensic laboratory

Harnessing the power of mass spectrometry for early novel psychoactive substances (NPS) detection

Detecting novel psychoactive substances - the workflow

Overcoming NPS screening challenges in the forensic laboratory

Approaches to drug screening using Triple Quadrupole, QTRAP and QTOF technologies

Detecting and identifying NPS: a brief history

Streamlining forensic laboratory informatics for NPS screening and quantification

Novel Psychoactive Substances - Infographic

The age of novel psychoactive substances

Compruebe y maximice la calidad de sus productos agriculturales

Nitrosamines impurity analysis using SCIEX QTRAPĀ® 4500 LC-MS/MS System



Determination of Beta-agonist Residues in Meat

List of Published Articles of Therapeutic Drug Monitorings (TDM) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System (Volume 2)

SCIEX VISION 2021 - Vishwottam Kandikere Interview - Syngene

List of Published Articles on Quantitative Methods of Clinical Diagnostics/Lab-Developed Tests (LDTs) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System

Catalogue of Literatures on target lipidomics using Triple Quad QTRAP mass spectrometry (Volume 1)

Catalogue of Literatures on Metabolomics using SCIEX mass spectrometry (Volume 1)

List of Published Articles of Therapeutic Drug Monitorings (TDM) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System (Volume 3)


List of Published Articles with SCIEX LC-MS-MS System-Clinical-Volume 4

Determination of Sulfonamide Residues in Chicken

LC-MS/MS ꊀęœÆ平台

Folder for The Flyers of Food Safety Monitoring Holistic Solution

List of Published Articles with SCIEX LC-MS-MS System-Clinical-Volume 3


List of Published Articles with SCIEX LC-MS-MS System-Clinical-Volume 2

GB 5749-2022怊ē”Ÿę“»é„®ē”Øę°“å«ē”Ÿę ‡å‡†ć€‹åŗ”ē”Øꖇ集

List of Published Articles of Therapeutic Drug Monitorings (TDM) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System (Volume 4)

Catalogue of Literatures on untarget lipidomics using SCIEX high resolution mass spectrometry (Volume 1)

Catalogue of Literatures on Traditional Chinese Medicine (Volume 1)

List of Published Articles of Therapeutic Drug Monitorings (TDM) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System (Volume 1)

GB 5749-2022怊ē”Ÿę“»é„®ē”Øę°“å«ē”Ÿę ‡å‡†ć€‹åŗ”ē”Øč§£å†³ę–¹ę”ˆ

Quantitation on the SCIEX QTRAP 4500 LC-MS/MS System with the ExionLC AD System

Syllabus for eLearning path

Syllabus for eLearning path


TIAFT_2016_XiangHe_Adrian Taylor PS4500_P150 [Compatibility Mode]

PowerPoint Presentation

Detection of nitazenes in vape juice

Quantify NDMA using the SCIEX QTRAP 4500 LC-MS/MS System

Identification of Degradation Products of Simvastatin

Fast and simultaneous analysis of ethanol metabolites and barbiturates using the QTRAPĀ® 4500 LC-MS/MS system

MRM3 Quantitation - Highest Selectivity in Complex Matrices

Microsoft Word - 3_Identification of the metabolites of tetrachloronamide by QTRAPĀ® 4500 Complex Mass Spectrometry System_legal comments.docx

Searching QTRAP MSMS Data with Libraries in SCIEX OS-Q

Fast and Simultaneous Analysis of Ethanol Metabolites and Barbiturates in Human Urine

Highly sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of pesticides in tea matrix using the QTRAP 4500 LC-MS/MS System

High Selectivity Quantification of Protein Isoforms using MRM3 Workflow

Powerful Qual/Quant Scan Modes of QTRAPĀ® System Technology

Analysis of Genotoxic Nitrosamines in Losartan and Ranitidine Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Rapid and Sensitive Analysis of a 93-Compound Forensic Panel in Urine using the QTRAP/Triple Quad 4500 LC-MS/MS System

Fast Screening Method for 86 Forensic Analytes in Human Urine

Method Development for Fake Lamb Meat Detection using SCIEX QTRAP 4500 system (CH)

Comprehensive Quantitation and Identification of Pesticides in Food Samples Using the New Eksigent ekspert ultraLC 100 and the New AB SCIEX QTRAP 4500 System

SCIEX QTRAP 4500 LC-MS/MS System Compendium of food testing applications

Quantitation of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk using SCIEX QTRAPĀ® 4500 LC-MS/MS System

Cannabis for Per Se Law Testing in Whole Blood using theSCIEX Triple Quad QTRAP 4500 LC-MS/MS System

MassSpectator - Food Safety Edition

Nitrosamine Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water, LC-MS

Microsoft Word - Loratadine tech note 29Sep2017.docx

AB SCIEX LC-MS/MS Analysis of Emerging Food Contaminants - Quantitation and Identification Acrylamide in Starch-Rich Food

Resolution of Ether- and Diacyl-Linked Phospholipids by DMS

Higher Confidence in Identification with QTRAP_AB SCIEX.docx

Extending Metabolome Coverage-untargeted Metabolomic Workflows


CYP4500 Protein Assay - Human Induction Kit Extended Panel

Simple and Robust LC-MS/MS Method of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) in Whole Blood Using LunaĀ® Omega Polar C18 Column

Quantification of Major Metabolites of K2 in Human Urine

Amlodapine Bioanalysis v10.docx

AB SCIEX Rapid Quantitation and Identification of Carbendazim in Orange Juice using LC-MS/MS

High Throughput Automated Sample Preparation and Analysis Workflow for Comprehensive Forensic Toxicology Screening using LC/MS/MS

AnĆ”lisis RĆ”pido de Nitrosaminas GenotĆ³xicas por HPLC-MS/MS

Microsoft Word - FINAL CF1836_RUO-MKT-02-2173-A_Automation Ethanol Metabolites in Urine.docx

Dont miss Synthetic Drug Present in Sample

Identification and Quantitation of Poisonous Alkaloids in Blood by SCIEX QTRAP

Determination of 6 Catecholamines in Human Plasma Samples by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Determination of Nitrofuran Metabolites in Animal-derived Food

Quantification of Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine in Human Plasma by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

SCIEX LC-MS-MS Application Technology on Origin Identification of Dairy Products based on Alpha-lactalbumin and Beta-lactoglobulin

Determination of Six Antiepileptic Drugs in Serum by SCIEX Triple Quad System (ZH)

Quick Determination of 105 Doping in Animal derived Food by QTRAP System

Rapid Determination of 41 Primary Aromatic Amines in Water

Determination of Aflatoxins B and G in Grain

A Rapid Screening and Quantitative LC-MS-MS Method of 189 Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal Food by Triple QuadTM 3500

LC-MS-MS Method for Determination of 523 Pesticide Residues in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Determination of Nitro-PAH in River Water

The Solution of Analysis 13 Nitrosamines in Drinking Water by LC-MS-MS

Determination of Six Antipsychotic Drugs in Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

利ē”ØSCIEX ę¶²ē›øč‰²č°±äø²č”č“Øč°±ę³•åƹē»†čƒžäø­ēš„čƒ½é‡ä»£č°¢ē‰©čæ›č”Œé¶å‘åˆ†ęž

Determination of Plant Hormones in Plants by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry


åŸŗäŗŽQTRAPĀ®č“Øč°±ē³»ē»Ÿåƹē”Ÿē‰©ę ·ęœ¬äø­1-O-酰åŸŗē„žē»é…°čƒŗē±»č„‚č“Ø化合ē‰©ēš„ę£€ęµ‹

Establish a rapid and efficient method for the determination of nitrosamines in cosmetics and personal care products

Determination of Chloramphenicol Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol Residues in Fish

Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotic Residues in Animal-derived Food

QuEChERS LC-MS-MS Solutions for Detecting Carbamate Pesticides in Soils

SCIEX LC-MS/MSē³»ē»Ÿę£€ęµ‹åŽ„č“ę²™å¦čÆē‰©äø­4ā€™-(å ę°®ē”²åŸŗ)-[1,1ā€™-联č‹Æ]-2-ę°°åŸŗꝂč“Øļ¼ˆAZBCļ¼‰

Quantification of 74 Prohibited Hormones in Cosmetics Using LC-MS-MS System

Application of LC-MS/MS in Chinese Pharmacopoeia

Determination of Liposoluble Vitamins in Micro Blood Samples by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Quantitative Analysis of Fentanyl and Analogues in Human Whole Blood

Identification of clonidine hydrochloride metabolites in pig feces using QTRAP mass spectrometry and LightSight software

Determination of Sulfonamide Residues in Chicken

Determination of Malachite Green and Crystal Violet Residues in Fish

The Application Solution for Determination of Minoxidil and Other 6 Kinds of Components in Cosmetics by LC-MS-MS Method

Determination of Linezolid and Fluconazole in Plasma by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ZH)

SCIEX 2D-LC-MSē³»ē»Ÿē”ØäŗŽäø¤ę€§éœ‰ē“ Bäø­ę‚č“Øåˆ†ęž


SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ 3500ē³»ē»Ÿåæ«é€Ÿę£€ęµ‹ (S)-3-ę°ØåŸŗ-1, 2-äø™äŗŒé†‡ åŽŸę–™čÆäø­ēš„ (S)-1-ę°ØåŸŗ-3-ę°Æ-2-äø™é†‡ē›é…øē›ę‚č“Ø

The Determination of Zearalenone in Traditional Chinese Medicines using LC-MS/MS

ęœ¬åœŸåŒ–SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ 4500ē³»ē»Ÿęµ‹å®šä¾é‚£ę™®åˆ©äø­ēš„N-äŗšē”åŸŗä¾é‚£ę™®åˆ©

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Determination of Three Free Polyamines in Biological Samples by Using Dansyl Chloride Derivatization


SCIEX LC-MS/MSē³»ē»Ÿå®šé‡ę£€ęµ‹å¤§é¼ č”€ęµ†äø­åøē¾Žę ¼é²č‚½å’Œę›æå°”ę³Šč‚½

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Determination of Aristolochic Acid I in Longdan Xiegan Pills on SCIEX Triple QuadTM 3500 system

ęœ¬åœŸåŒ–SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ 4500ē³»ē»Ÿęµ‹å®šå¤§é¼ č”€ęµ†äø­åÆē”µē¦»č„‚č“ØSM-102

SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ 4500ē³»ē»Ÿåæ«é€Ÿę£€ęµ‹åˆ©ē¦å¹³å’Œåˆ©ē¦å–·äøäø­äø¤ ē§äŗšē”čƒŗē±»ę‚č“Ø

Rapid Determination of Three Genotoxic Impurities in Linezolid by SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 System

Rapid Determination of 5-(4ā€™-(azidomethyl)-[1,1ā€™-biphenyl-2yl]-1H-tetrazole Impurity in Sartan drugs by SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 System

Determination of ten common additives in plastic packaging materials by LC-MSMS

Application of SCIEX 3500 triple quadrupole liquid chromatography mass spectrometry platform for the detection of 30 prohibited pesticides and their metabolites in Chinese herbal medicines and decoction pieces

SCIEX LC-MS/MSē³»ē»Ÿęµ‹å®šå¤§é¼ č”€ęµ†äø­ēš„PEG600

Determination of 8 metabolites on main pathways of Dopamine(DA) biosynthesis and metabolism by SCIEX Triple QuadĀ®

Determination of 1-methyl-4-aminopiperazine in Rifampicin by SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ 3500 LC-MS/MS system

SCIEX ę¶²ē›øč‰²č°±äø²č”č“Øč°±ę³•åÆ¹ę°“ēØ»äø­220ē§ä»£č°¢ē‰©čæ›č”Œé¶ę ‡ä»£ č°¢ē»„å­¦åˆ†ęž

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SCIEX ę¶²ē›øč‰²č°±äø²č”č“Øč°±ę³•åƹ小éŗ¦č‹—äø­183ē§ä»£č°¢ē‰©čæ›č”Œé¶ę ‡ ä»£č°¢ē»„å­¦åˆ†ęž

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Development of a High Coverage metabolomics method of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam by SCIEX QTRAPĀ® System

Determination of Beta-agonist Residues in Meat

Rapid Screening and Quantification of 223 Illegal Drug Residue in Feed Using LC-MS/MS (ZH)

Determination of 23 Phthalate Esters in Drinking Water By LC-MS-MS

Determination of Quinolone Residues in Animal-derived Food

Determination of Animal Species Origin from Blood Products by LC-MS-MS

Determination of Five Antibiotics and their Metabolites in Serum by SCIEX LC-MS/MS

Determination of Genotoxic Impurities Methyl Methanesulfonate and Ethyl Methanesulfonate on SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 system

Determination of 23 Phthalate Esters in Cosmetics By LC-MS-MS






Simultaneous Determination of 331 pesticides and metabolites Residues in foods of plant origin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Simultaneous Determination of Isothiazolinone fungicides in Cigarette accessories by LC-MS /MS

茄ē§‘č”¬čœäø­é¾™č‘µęƒē“ ē±»åŒ–合ē‰©ēš„LC-MS/MSå®šé‡åˆ†ęžę£€ęµ‹

SCIEX QTRAPĀ®č“Øč°±åƹ食品äø­63ē§ę·»åŠ å‰‚ēš„ę£€ęµ‹ę–¹ę”ˆ






SCIEX QTRAPĀ®č“Øč°±åƹäæå„食品äø­č„æåøƒę›²ę˜Žē­‰33ē§é™č„‚å‡č‚„ē±»éžę³•ę·»åŠ čÆē‰©ēš„ę£€ęµ‹ę–¹ę”ˆ


SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ę¶²č“Ø联ē”Øē³»ē»ŸåÆ¹ę°“äŗ§å“åŠå…¶åˆ¶å“äø­ę²³č±šęƒē“ ēš„ęµ‹å®š


Simultaneous Determination of three kind of Chloramphenicols by LC-MS /MS

SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ę¶²č“Ø联ē”Øē³»ē»ŸåƹåŠØē‰©ęŗę€§é£Ÿå“äø­é…°čƒŗ醇ē±»čÆē‰©åŠå…¶ä»£č°¢ē‰©ēš„ęµ‹å®š



LC-MS/MS Method for Quantification of Iminoctadine tris(albesilate) in Fruits

ä½æē”Ø LC-MS/MSē³»ē»Ÿęµ‹å®šē”µå­ēƒŸäø­äøęŒ„å‘ęœ‰ęœŗé…øēš„č§£å†³ę–¹ę”ˆ

Simultaneous Determination of 4 Kinds of Bisphenol A analogs in Drinking water by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

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Simultaneous 23 sensitized carcinogenic stains by LC-MS /MS


Simultaneous Determination of Perchlorate and Chlorate in drinking water by LC-MS /MS

SCIEX LC-MS/MSē³»ē»Ÿåæ«é€Ÿå®šé‡é„®ē”Øę°“äø­4ē§ę°Æ酚ē±»åŒ–合ē‰©




SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ ē³»ē»Ÿé’ˆåÆ¹ęµ·å…³ē³»ē»Ÿ2022å¹“ę–°ę¶²č“Øę£€ęµ‹ę ‡å‡†é”¹ē›®ēš„č§£å†³ę–¹ę”ˆ

Simultaneous Determination of Perchlorate and Chlorate by LC-MS /MS


LC-MS/MSåæ«é€Ÿę£€ęµ‹é¢ē²‰äø­ę©é•°å­¢čŒē“ åŠē™½åƒµčŒē“ 

SCIEX QTRAP Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Detection of 90 Illegal Additives such as Sildenafil and Sildenafil Analogs in Health Care Products

Determination of roxarsone in animal feeds using solid-phase extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Determination of Bongkrekic Acid in Rice Noodles and Tremella on SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 System

Determination of Malachite Green and Crystal Violet Residues in Fish

SCIEX QTRAPĀ®č“Øč°±åŗ”ē”ØäŗŽę°Æčƒŗé…®ę ·å“äø­17ē§ē‰¹å¾ę‚č“Øēš„ę£€ęµ‹

Online SPE- SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ 4500ē³»ē»ŸåÆ¹ę±”ę°“äø­12ē§ęÆ’å“åŠä»£č°¢ē‰©ēš„å®šę€§äøŽå®šé‡åˆ†ęž

The Application of Multiple Heart-Cutting 2D-LC- X500B in the Analysis of Drug Impurities in Proinsulin (ZH)

LC-MS/MSåæ«é€Ÿę£€ęµ‹åŒ–妆品äø­CI 10020ē­‰11ē§ē€č‰²å‰‚


SCIEX QTRAPĀ®ē³»ē»ŸåƹēŸ³ę²¹äø­ē¤ŗčøŖ剂ēš„å®šę€§å®šé‡åˆ†ęž




Identification of epoxiconazol metabolites with the SCIEX ZenoTOFT 7600 system

A Solution for the Determination of Perfluorinated Compounds(PFCs) in Drinking Water by Direct Injection with Triple QuadTM 3500

Analysis of 56 Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Compounds in Drinking Water by LC-MS/MS

LC-MS/MSę³•åæ«é€Ÿęµ‹å®šēŽÆ境äø­é»‘ē“¢é‡‘å’Œč‹¦å‘³é…øēˆ†ē “ꮋē•™ē‰©





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åŗ”ē”ØSCIEX äø­å›½ęœ¬åœŸåŒ–Triple Quadā„¢äø‰é‡å››ęžę†č“Øč°±ä»Ŗå»ŗē«‹12ē§ęƒ品ēš„åæ«é€Ÿę£€ęµ‹ę–¹ę³•

A Solution for the Determination of Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water, Ground Water and Surface Water by Direct Injection with SCIEX Triple QuadT 3500 System

SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ 4500 ē³»ē»Ÿåƹ四ē§åƹč‹ÆäŗŒčƒŗē±»åŒ–合ē‰©åŠ6ppd-醌ēš„ęµ‹å®š


Simultaneous Determination of Microcystins in Water by LC-MS MS

SCIEX LC-MS/MSē³»ē»Ÿåæ«é€Ÿå®šé‡ęµ‹å®šé„®ē”Øę°“äø­5ē§å¾®å›Šč—»ęƒē“ 


Determination of Acrylamide in Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry


SCIEX LC-MS/MSē³»ē»ŸåŒę—¶ę£€ęµ‹äŗŗ蔀ęø…äø­ę›“ę˜”ę“›éŸ¦ć€äø‡å¤éœ‰ē“ ć€åŽ»ē”²äø‡å¤éœ‰ē“ ć€å”ę³ŠčŠ¬å‡€å’Œę›æč€ƒę‹‰å®

Determination of catecholamines and their metabolites in human urine using 3200MD LC-MS/MS

åŸŗäŗŽSCIEX LC MS/MSē³»ē»Ÿč”ē”Ÿę³•åƹäŗŗä½“č”€ęµ†åŠē²Ŗä¾æę ·ęœ¬9ē§ēŸ­é“¾č„‚č‚Ŗé…øę£€ęµ‹

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SCIEX ę¶²ē›øč‰²č°±äø²č”č“Øč°±ē³»ē»ŸåŒę—¶ę£€ęµ‹äŗŗ蔀ęø…äø­é˜æē»“巓坦和夓孢他啶

SCIEX Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Quantification of Chondroitin Sulfate and Dermatan Sulfate by Methanolysis Derivatization

Simultaneous Determination of Plasma Aldosterone, Renin Activity and Angiotensin II from Human Plasma Using LC-MS/MS

åŸŗäŗŽSCIEX LC-MS/MSē³»ē»ŸåÆ¹č”€ęµ†äø­é¼ čÆę°Ÿä¹™é…°čƒŗå’Œę°Ÿä¹™é…øę£€ęµ‹


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åŸŗäŗŽSCIEX LC-MS/MSē³»ē»ŸåÆ¹č”€ęµ†äø­ē±³ę‰˜å¦čÆē‰©ēš„굓åŗ¦ę£€ęµ‹

SCIEX ę¶²ē›øč‰²č°±äø²č”č“Øč°±ē³»ē»ŸåŒę—¶ę£€ęµ‹äŗŗ蔀굆äø­20ē§ę°ØåŸŗé…ø


Quantification of Arginine, Homoarginine, Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine and Symmetric Dimethylarginine in Human Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Protein G åÆŒé›†č”åˆ LC-MS/MS åŒę—¶ęµ‹å®šäŗŗ蔀ęø…äø­äø‰ē§ęŠ—体ē±»ē”Ÿ ē‰©čÆ

Protein GåÆŒé›†č”åˆLC-MS/MSåŒę—¶ęµ‹å®šäŗŗ蔀ęø…äø­å…«ē§ęŠ—体ē±»ē”Ÿē‰©čÆ

Simultaneous Determination of Linezolid, Voriconazole, Imatinib, Dasatinib, Nilotinib, Dabigatran Etexilate and Rivaroxaban in Plasma by SCIEX LC-MS/MS

SCIEX ę¶²č“Ø联ē”Øē»“合äø¤ę­„ę²‰ę·€ę³•ę£€ęµ‹č”€ęµ†äø­ę›²å¦„ē å•ęŠ—

SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ę¶²č“Ø联ē”Øē³»ē»Ÿē”ØäŗŽäŗŗ蔀굆äø­č„‚蛋ē™½ēš„ę£€ęµ‹


Determination of trace angiotensin II in plasma with SCIEX Triple Quad 4500 LC-MS/MS system (ZH)

Determination of 13 Bile Acids in Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Determination of 8 Polar Pesticides and metabolites in Plasma and Urine Without Derivatization (ZH)

Characterization and Identification of flavonoids in Traditional Chinese Medicine Artemisia rupestris L by SCIEX QTRAP 4500

Simultaneous Determination of Aldosterone and Angiotensin I from Human Plasma Using LC-MS/MS (ZH)

Rapid Determination of Hexabromocyclododecane and Tetrabromobisphenol A in Water

Simultaneous Determination of 4 Kinds of Chemical Medicines Illegally Added in Slimming Food by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

LC-MS/MSåæ«é€Ÿåˆ†ęžå‡č‚„食品äø­ē•Ŗę³»č‹· A态ē•Ŗę³»č‹· B 及大黄ē“ ē”²é†š


SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ ē³»ē»Ÿåƹ13ē§ę‚ēŽÆčƒŗēš„åæ«é€Ÿęµ‹å®š





Quantitative Analysis of 12 Halogenated carboxylic acids in Tap Water by Triple QuadTM 3500

SCIEX Triple Quadā„¢ę¶²č“Ø联ē”Øē³»ē»ŸåƹåŠØē‰©ęŗę€§é£Ÿå“äø­36ē§å…Øę°Ÿå’Œå¤šę°ŸåŒ–åˆē‰©ēš„ęµ‹å®š


SCIEX QTRAP Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Detection of Seven Sweeteners in Liquor

Simultaneous Determination of 8 Kinds of Chemical Medicines Illegally Added in Traditional Chinese Medicines and Health Care Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry



åŸŗäŗŽSCIEX QTRAPĀ®ę¶²č“Ø联ē”Øē³»ē»Ÿåƹ食品äø­åŒé†‹é…šäøē­‰19ē§éžę³•ę·»åŠ ē‰©č“Øēš„åæ«é€Ÿę£€ęµ‹ę–¹ę”ˆ




SCIEX QTRAPĀ®ē³»ē»Ÿåæ«é€Ÿęµ‹å®šē‰›å„¶äø­9ē§ē”Ÿē‰©čƒŗ

Analysis Procymidone in Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng by LC-MS/MS





The Application of Analysis 13 Haloamides in Drinking Water by LC-MS-MS

Determination of Genotoxic Impurities N-nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutyric acid on SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 system

Identification of Carbamate Pesticide Metabolites in Soil with LightSight Software Combined with QTRAP System

The solution for amantadine, rimantadine and ribavirin residues in animal-derived foods by LC-MS /MS

Determination of Aflatoxins B&G in Grain

Quantitative Analysis of Nine Haloacetic Acids in Water Environment by X500R QTOF System (ZH)

LC-MS-MS Method for Rapid Determination of 30 Forbidden Pesticides In Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Application Solution for Determination of Fluconazole and other 8 Kinds of Components in Cosmetics by LC-MS-MS Method

Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotic Residues in Animal-derived Food

Analysis of Six Organotin Compounds in Food package Material by LC-MS-MS

Determination of NMDA in Ranitidine Hydrochloride by LC-MS-MS

The application of 2D-LC-QTRAP in the analysis of drug impurities CN

A Rapid Screening and Quantification Method of Forbidden and Restricted Pesticides in Traditional Chinese Medicine by LC-MS-MS

Simultaneous Determination of 14 Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in Seafood using LC-MS-MS

Determination of Nitrofuran Metabolites in Animal-derived Food

Analysis 106 Compounds in Cell Supernatant by Using LC-MS-MS

Determination of Phenoxy Carboxylic Acids Herbicide in Water by LC-MS-MS

Determination of Caspofungin Posaconazole Voriconazole N-Oxide and Voriconazole in Plasma by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Identification and Quantitation of Fentanyl and Analogues in One Injection by SCIEX QTRAP

A Rapid Quantitative Method of LC-MS /MS for Dichlorvos in Sea Cucumbers (ZH)

The power of SCIEX Triple Quad liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to detect polycystic ovarian syndrome related androgen (ZH)

Improving Sensitivity for Trace Pesticides Residues Quantification in Drinking Water using Trap-Elute MicroLC-MS with Large Volume Sample Loading

Determination of Monohydroxylated PAH in River Water

Determination of Chloramphenicol Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol Residues in Fish

Determination of seven Antineoplastic and antibacterial drugs in Serum by SCIEX LC-MS/MS

Simultaneous Determination of 7 Kinds of Local Anesthetics in Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (ZH)

SCIEX LC-MS-MS Application Technology on Quantitation of Lactoferrin in Dairy Products

Simultaneous quantitative analysis of metronidazole and chloramphenicol in chicken by SCIEX LC MS-MS

Simultaneous determination of five cytarabine metabolites and analogs with SelexION Ion mobility Mass Spectrum (ZH)

Detection of Methylmalonic Aciduria by Ion Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ZH)

Determination of Quinolone Residues in Animal-derived Food

Method establishment of medium and long chain acyl-coenzyme A in biological samples

Simultaneous determination of isothiazolinone fungicides in cigarette accessories by LC-MSMS


SCIEX impurities compendium (India)
