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- 2011
- SCIEX Connects Scientists with Mass Spectrometry for Faster, More Accurate Answers
New interface with laboratory information systems to advance use of LC-MS/MS in clinical research
To address the global need for improved methods in toxicology, food safety testing and environmental analysis, SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, today announced the expansion of its iMethodTM Application Center. This online resource provides a growing library of pre-configured, verified test methods to improve the analysis of drugs and better identify contaminants in the food supply and the environment while simplifying the use of advanced mass spectrometry technologies. The company is presenting information about new iMethodTM Tests at Pittcon in Atlanta this week.
The iMethodTM Tests were developed according to customer requirements, enabling laboratories to adopt them and eliminate some of the cost and complexity involved in building their own custom tests. SCIEX first pioneered in 2008 with pre-configured and verified methods that can be downloaded and shared by laboratories to conduct scientific analysis on mass spectrometry (MS) instruments. iMethodTM Tests contain liquid chromatography (LC) and MS conditions and sample preparation protocols. The company is expanding this library by delivering new methods in the following areas:
The new iMethodTM Application Center expands the number of test methods that can be used to accelerate the distribution of new methods to virtually any lab in the world in a matter of seconds to respond to a crisis or be proactive to ensure high quality testing. iMethodTM Tests can be used by forensics toxicology laboratories, clinical research laboratories, food testing laboratories, government agencies, environmental safety organizations and scientists in academia.
Among the organizations using iMethodTM Tests is The Hospital for Sick Children where biochemists easily installed the iMethod test for drug screening into Cliquid® Software, enabling analysis of compounds on SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP® systems. This Toronto-based hospital gained the ability to screen a large number of compounds within 17 minutes, according to researchers at the facility. This helped them to decrease turnaround times as well as identify compounds that other methods, such as immunoassay drug screens, are unable to detect.
David Colantonio, Ph.D., Clinical Biochemist, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto
"As a toxicology lab, we needed a solution that allows screening of a vast array of compounds in a relatively short period of time. Taking the iMethodTM approach along with SCIEX systems and software sped up our shift to more powerful and accurate technologies for clinical research and gave us the exceptional benefit of access to an ever-expanding, comprehensive library. Our technologists are able to navigate the SCIEX software and run the pre-configured test method on the mass spectrometer without difficulty."
Joe Anacleto, Vice President and General Manager of the Applied Markets and Clinical Research Business, SCIEX
"SCIEX delivers solutions that customers can trust for highly reliable, accurate scientific analysis. Our iMethodTM Tests have set a new benchmark for pre-packaged, downloadable methods, meeting the high expectations of a wide range of scientists. By delivering the most comprehensive suite of solutions in a centralized virtual center of excellence, we empower our customers to make a significant impact to improve the world."
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SCIEX environmental testing solutions
SCIEX helps to improve the world we live in by enabling scientists and laboratory analysts to find answers to the complex analytical challenges they face. The company's global leadership and world-class service and support in the capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry industry have made it a trusted partner to thousands of the scientists and lab analysts worldwide who are focused on basic research, drug discovery and development, food and environmental testing, forensics and clinical research.
With over 40 years of proven innovation, SCIEX excels by listening to and understanding the ever-evolving needs of its customers to develop reliable, sensitive and intuitive solutions that continue to redefine what is achievable in routine and complex analysis. For more information, please visit sciex.com
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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Contact Information
Lulu VanZandt
Program Manager, Brand, Public Relations and Social Media, SCIEX
+1 (508) 383-7163
M: +1 (508) 782-9484