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- 2012
- SCIEX Expands Eksigent Microflow UHPLC Capabilities for LC/MS Workflows
SCIEX extends the capabilities in microflow ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with the launch of new electrospray ionization electrodes for use with the industry standard Turbo V ionization source.
SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, today announced the extension of capabilities in Eksigent microflow ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with the launch of new electrospray ionization electrodes for use with the industry standard Turbo VTM ionization source. These small diameter electrodes significantly improve bioanalytical separation, resulting in higher sensitivity, better resolution and improved throughput with Eksigent microflow UHPLC systems.
The ability to detect lower levels of analytes in many sample types is a constant need in any analytical laboratory. By concentrating similar injection volumes into smaller analyte elution volumes, microflow UHPLC is a simple and cost-effective way to improve sensitivity (LOQs) in order to meet this need. With the lower flow rates utilized with micro LC, the use of smaller diameter electrospray ionization electrodes minimize peak dispersion, resulting in high performance separations with sharper, narrower sample peaks. This enables scientists to speed up their gradients without losing their required chromatographic separation. In addition, narrower peaks lead to increased peak height, which improves sensitivity.
Scientists at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences are among the first to have early access to these new small diameter electrodes for the Eksigent micro LC workflow. These scientists are performing high throughput amino acid analysis for clinical research. To improve throughput, they went from high-flow LC to microflow LC by switching to the ExpressHTTM-Ultra system, speeding up the run time for plasma samples sixfold, which they analyze for derivatized "free" amino acids.
"The new Eksigent microflow electrodes enable us to further reduce the inject-to-inject time by more than 30 percent, allowing us to analyze more samples per day," said Prof. John Thaden, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor of Geriatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences/HLKN, Texas A&M. "This translates into valuable time and cost savings. With these new electrodes for the Eksigent microflow system, the speed of the instrument is no longer the bottleneck. I now think of micro LC in a whole new way."
In addition to the new electrodes, SCIEX is introducing a new hardware kit for use with the ExpressHTTM-Ultra System that enables closer mounting of heated columns to the Turbo V source to minimize tubing lengths and further maximize chromatographic resolution. When the new electrodes are combined with the new column heater mounting hardware, peak dispersion is minimized from the LC all the way into the mass spectrometer. This allows scientists to obtain higher quality chromatography. Because the peaks are narrower, the LC/MS gradient can be made faster. These electrodes are designed to work with the Eksigent ExpressHTTM-Ultra System on the SCIEX QTRAP®, Triple QuadTM and TripleTOFTM systems.
"Advancements in Eksigent technology continue to make it easier for scientists to adopt micro LC," said Tina Settineri, Director of HPLC products for Eksigent at SCIEX. "We are seeing an increasing number of scientists, especially in bioanalytical laboratories, look to this proven, lower-flow liquid chromatography approach as an attractive solution for improved sensitivity and throughput for LC/MS. It reduces the burden on the mass spectrometer while delivering significant savings in solvent cost and disposal fees. Eksigent brings a new dimension to LC/MS-based analysis."
SCIEX helps to improve the world we live in by enabling scientists and laboratory analysts to find answers to the complex analytical challenges they face. The company's global leadership and world-class service and support in the capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry industry have made it a trusted partner to thousands of the scientists and lab analysts worldwide who are focused on basic research, drug discovery and development, food and environmental testing, forensics and clinical research.
With over 40 years of proven innovation, SCIEX excels by listening to and understanding the ever-evolving needs of its customers to develop reliable, sensitive and intuitive solutions that continue to redefine what is achievable in routine and complex analysis. For more information, please visit sciex.com
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Lulu VanZandt
Program Manager, Brand, Public Relations and Social Media, SCIEX
+1 (508) 383-7163
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