SCIEX and GeneBio Team Up to Improve Interactive Library Searching for Mass Spectrometry

SmileMS to increase functionality for small molecule identification on LC/MS/MS systems

February 08, 2011

SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, and Geneva Bioinformatics (GeneBio) SA today announced that they will co-market joint solutions to improve the ability of scientists to conduct rapid screening of large sets of molecules.  GeneBio's SmileMS software provides advanced library searching capabilities that can be used with SCIEX's industry-leading mass spectrometers and software applications. SCIEX solutions and SmileMS software are on display at the Mass Spectrometry Applications for the Clinical Laboratory (MSACL) conference in San Diego this week.

These joint solutions are already being used for both targeted and unknown screening in numerous fields.   For example, the Institute of Toxicology in the Clinical Toxicology and Poison Information Centre (BBGes) in Berlin, Germany is using SCIEX technology combined with SmileMS for rapid data management in support of comprehensive results for the screening of xenobiotics in biological matrices.  Thomas Grobosch, PhD, head of the laboratory, and his team validated SmileMS on SCIEX instrumentation.

SmileMS can be used with the broad range of SCIEX systems, including triple quadrupole and QTRAP® systems, as well as the new TripleTOFTM 5600 System, which is the fastest and most sensitive high-resolution mass spectrometer for high-performance qualitative and quantitative analysis.  SmileMS has the capability to process a wide range of data, including high mass accuracy MS and MS/MS data.  This GeneBio software complements SCIEX 's Analyst® and Cliquid® software as well as being fully compatible with SCIEX's LC/MS/MS libraries for forensic, pesticide, veterinary and antibiotics analysis.   Adapted to fast routine analysis, SmileMS also allows in-depth evaluation of results for use in food testing, pharmaceutical research, environmental testing and biomedical research.

Nasri Nahas, CEO, GeneBio

"SCIEX customers will have the advantage of using the best-in-class capabilities of SmileMS software for the identification of small molecules by mass spectrometry for fast routine analysis and in-depth research.  We are extremely pleased to partner with SCIEX, a global leader in mass spectrometry technologies that has set the tone for innovation in this field. This relationship helps us to focus our efforts and expertise on software development to continue serving our customers' needs with powerful solutions."

Joe Anacleto, Vice President and General Manager of the Applied Markets and Clinical Research Business, SCIEX

"We continue to provide added value to our customers by working with companies like GeneBio to provide a way to enhance the identification and visualization of analytes. We believe the integration of SmileMS with our industry-leading systems will create new opportunities to improve results in clinical and forensic toxicology, among other fields that can take advantage of these capabilities."

Thomas Grobosch, PhD, Head of the Laboratory, Institute of Toxicology in the Clinical Toxicology and Poison Information Centre

"SmilleMS is able to optimize the identification of drugs, poisons and toxins with their metabolites from data acquired on both low and high resolution AB SCIEX instruments. These results are helping improve the institute's ability to deliver specialized laboratory services."

About GeneBio

Geneva Bioinformatics (GeneBio) SA is a leading bioinformatics company providing the life science community with world-class software that bridges the gap between information gathering and knowledge generation. Established in 1997, we offer to the market a suite of software platforms and knowledge-bases targeted at small molecules screening and protein research. Close ties to academic peers and a thorough network of distribution and strategic partners give us both unfettered access to scientific excellence and recognized market presence so that we may best serve the scientific community. Follow us on Twitter @GeneBioSA


SCIEX helps to improve the world we live in by enabling scientists and laboratory analysts to find answers to the complex analytical challenges they face. The company's global leadership and world-class service and support in the capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry industry have made it a trusted partner to thousands of the scientists and lab analysts worldwide who are focused on basic research, drug discovery and development, food and environmental testing, forensics and clinical research.

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